- Robert Hooke of Britain created the first microscope and discovered that matter was made out of cells.
1759 -
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- C.F. Wolff of Germany submitted his general cell theory called "Theoria Generationis". He also proposed furhter cell theories in 1964, called "Theoria von der Generation" and in 1774, which was a revised draft of "Theoria Generationis".
1838 -
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- Cell theory for plants by Matthias J. Schleidon of Germany submitted.
1839 -
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- Cell theory for animals by Theodore Schwann of Germany submitted.
1857 -
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- Gregor Mendel, an Austrian Monk, began to experiment with pea plants and discovered heredity. Called "Father of Genetics".
1859 -
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- Charles Darwin publishes "Origin of Species" where he explains heredity and components of evolution and natural selection.
1865 -
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- Mendel's Laws introduces by Gregor Mendel.
1875 -
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- Walter Fleming discovers chromosomes.
1892 -
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- August Weissman proposes his theory of "How Heredity Is Transmitted".
1910 -
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- Thomas Hunt Morgan discovers sex-linked chromosomes, X/Y chromosomes, and he further explains Mendel's Laws.
1913 -
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- Alfred Sturtevant constructed chromosome map.
1919 -
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- Herman Muller discovers how X-Rays increase mutations in DNA with fruit flies.
1941 -
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- George Beadle discovers genes is responsible for production of enzymes.
1953 -
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- Francis H.C. Crick and James Watson discover structure of DNA.
1957 -
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- Crick proposes his idea for DNA's code for base sequencing to make proteins.
1961 -
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1989 -
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- DNA fingerprints first used for crime conviction.
1990 -
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- Gene therapy used on patients.
1910 -
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- DNA testing used in O.J. Trial
1997 -
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- Dolly the Sheep is the first adult animal cloned.
Best viewed in a maximized window and with a monitor resolution of 1024 x 768. All written materials and information
were fully composed, as well as altered images and diagrams, by Josh Eisma (2002), unless otherwise specified.